Read Or Download IP Subnetting - From Zero to Guru by Paul Browning Full Pages.

** This book is an update to Subnetting Secrets which was first written in 2006 *IP subnetting is a subject you need to master if you want to enjoy a successful career in IT. Unfortunately, it's also one of the hardest to learn: you must understand binary math, hexadecimal, address classes, private addressing, IPv6, and many other topics.Subnetting questions are sure to feature in any IT networking exam you will take, and they can form up to 9% of your final marks. You will be asked to solve subnetting problems in any technical job interview, and of course you must be able to troubleshoot IP addressing issues on live networks.Most IT books and training videos make subnetting difficult to understand, which is why so many avoid studying it. If you want to make it in your IT career, you need a deep understanding of how to subnet as well as a quick and easy method you can use in exams and job interviews.IP Subnetting - From Zero to Guru will give you this and more. Paul Browning created

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