Read Or Download Bach Flower Essences and Chinese Medicine by Pablo Noriega Full Pages.

A guide to applying the power and wisdom of Chinese Medicine to Bach Flower Therapy ? Includes detailed write-ups about the indications and effects of each of the original 38 Bach flower remedies according to Chinese Medicine ? Explains the relationships between specific emotions, symptoms, and regions of the body according to Chinese Medicine ? Offers a complementary method of Flower Essence evaluation using physical conditions to access the emotions Bach flower essences provide excellent tools for balancing energetic disturbances generated by emotions. Yet people often have trouble clearly expressing their feelings and emotions, making selection of a specific flower essence difficult. Drawing upon the centuries-old relationships established in Chinese Medicine between emotions and physical disorders, Pablo Noriega shows how to use a person?s descriptions of their complaints and chronic conditions combined with Flower-type personality traits to diagnose which flower essence to

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